CoSchedule isn’t technically a productivity tool, but it’s still incredibly useful + time saving. Here’s the bullet points in case you don’t have time to watch the video:
- Price: $10/month
- Social media editorial calendar plugin for WordPress
- What that actually means: it lets you schedule social media updates, corresponding to a particular post, from within the WordPress dashboard, immediately after writing or scheduling said post.
- Which saves a surprising amount of time compared to going to a different tool or app and then having to schedule out each post individually and manually selecting a day/time.
- The interface is a visual drag and drop calendar – which, if you’ve watched any of my other video reviews, you know I’m huge on that. In this case, it makes it much easier to see duplicate posts and/or spread out posts evenly instead of them being awkwardly batched on a particular day.
- It also gives you way more control over how the links will appear than I’ve seen on other social media tools.
- Last but not least, it could definitely make things easier if you have a team involved in posting and scheduling posts.
In short: highly recommended, if you use WordPress and want to streamline your social media posting.
(PS: None of these are affiliate links – Coschedule does have a blogger review program though, which I was happy to participate in since I was paying for it anyways, and y’all know I love me some handy apps.)