I’m ready to act like a CEO
You’re a six figure business owner (or nearly there), and you’re not disorganized but you’re not 100% organized, either. You’ve hit kind of a bare-minimum functional level of organization in your work + biz & not really progressed past that, which sucks, because without moving past that point, you can’t focus on creating scalable income (like high level services, products, and group work). Your business needs to be systematized/streamlined, so that you can fully step into the CEO role and lead their empire; your biggest problem is keeping your business running smoothly, without being a prisoner to it.
Sound like you?
First off, go buy Rock the System at Amazon – it’ll definitely get you sorted!
After that, these posts can help:
- Because boundaries: how to not get walked all over
- Do you need some training wheels for your outsourcing process?
- When you’re on the verge of crispy: a guide for the almost-burned-out
- Interview with Erica Cosminsky – where we cover delegating & how you can not suck at it
- What dating & delegating have in common
- Askholes & accountability (something for you to think about moving forward: what policies, systems, structures can you implement to reduce your askhole encounters?)
- How to go from stressed to blissfully biz organized in four steps flat
- How to banish overwhelm from your biz
- What a Las Vegas kiosk can teach us about tools + systems
- How to stop drowning in your notes & make them useful instead
Want more?
Contact me if you want to go deeper & you’re interested in seeing how we can work together. You can also sign up for the dispatch – you’ll get access to the free course Systems 101 and the teleclass archives, along with other VIP content & discounts.