I’m feeling: overwhelmed and disorganized
Let me guess: you’re a creative business owner (and/or freelancer – whatever term floats your boat!). You’re just starting out – in your first year or two of business, it might still be your “side hustle”. You struggle with general organization, and you have a hard time prioritizing, but you’re able to take action like a boss when priorities & plans are sussed out. Your biggest problem is avoiding overwhelm so you can take meaningful action.
You might want to read…
- Everything I know about business I learned from Buffy
- How to get accountable to yourself and start getting shit done
- How a blanket fort can make you more productive
- The three reasons you can’t stick to your plan
- The difference between ambition and a pipe dream
- How to manage your time & energy when it’s split
And in the shop, check out…
- Rock the System
- The yearly + weekly planner bundle (made just for creatives – not those boring fill-in-the-blanks planners you’re used to)
- The Plan Your Own Adventure Launch Checklists
After you’ve done that, sign up for Systems 101 – all the deets are below. You’ll learn how to start on systems now, even in the early stages of your business, and how they can get you out of the icky spot you’re in now & make sure you don’t wind up there again.