All posts in " featured "


By Michelle

This week’s review is a little different than usual – namely, that I decided not to do a video review, because Rule has become my project management tool of choice, and for me to give you a video tour I’d have to go back through and edit out a lot of confidential client details in […]


What dating & delegating have in common

By Michelle

Let’s imagine you have a friend. (Hopefully, this isn’t too hard to imagine because you already have one or more of these for reals.) A single friend lookin’ for love. She’s mostly had good experiences, but goes on this one wildly horrific date. We’re talking sitcom levels of bad. And after that, she swears off dating entirely. She’s going to […]


Roundup: seven standout project/task management apps

By Michelle

In my quest for the perfect productivity tool, I have found a lot of other things – things that might not be the best for me, but have unique features (which stand out in a sea of lookalikes, believe you me), and would actually be fairly difficult to do a video review of, for one […]