All posts in " Going From Idea to Action "

Behind the Scenes: The Don’t Lose Your Shit Sale

By Michelle

(Quick note! New thing new thing! If you loved this breakdown, you should definitely check out the Brass Tacks Biz Series – it’s going to be more case studies just like this, with worksheets & actionable info, live every month, and the price is supa-reasonable.) In case you missed it (or are finding this post […]


How to get accountable to yourself & start getting shit done

By Michelle

The word “accountability” gets thrown around a lot in business & productivity circles. It’s a pretty big buzzword & y’all know I love to hate on some buzzwords, but at the same time, I can understand why it gets tossed around more than blame in a roomful of politicians – it’s actually a really crucial […]


Overcoming SOGOTP syndrome

By Michelle

Recall the post earlier this month, about the difference between ambition and a pipe dream? I mentioned SOGOTP syndrome (that’d be “shit or get off the pot”) – that thing we do sometimes where we talk about an idea, potentially anĀ amazing idea (our eyes light up when they talk about it, our enthusiasm is infectious) […]


The difference between ambition and a pipe dream

By Michelle

I was trying to figure out what it is that makes some people and their dreams magnetic. You know how it is – some people, they talk and you’re watching them speak about this vision they have, and you can feel the power behind what they’re saying. You think to yourself “This person is going […]


Which idea should you start on next?

By Michelle

One of those problems-that’s-kinda-good-to-have is the problem of too many ideas. On the one hand, it’s something of a blessing to have all of these ideas zipping around your head like hyperactive kittens with a ball of string. On the other hand, it can also be headache inducing and give you the paralyzing fear of […]


Don’t let your projects die: give ’em space to thrive

By Michelle

Let’s say you want to grow a plant. You pick a big ol’ tropical plant, bordering on four feet tall…and then you plant it in a pot that’s six inches across, and expect it to grow well there. Sound likely? No, it doesn’t, does it? However, that’s how many people treat new ideas and projects […]


Your to-do list is not evil: here’s why

By Michelle

Minimalist productivity advice is all the rage. Kill your goals, for example. While you’re at it, kill your to do list; it’s holding you back, not moving you forward. It’s too hard to manage. It’s destroying your focus. Blah blah blah. You’ve heard it, I’m sure. Most of the crimes that this simple tool is […]


My Secret Productivity Tool: 7 Accountability Tips

By Michelle

For the first guest post ever at Let’s Radiate, I wanted something awesome. So when Melissa offered to write a guest post for me – you know I said yes! Without further ado, I’ll let her take it away… Here’s a conundrum: I’m an artist in many disciplines, but left to my own devices, sometimes […]


Sprinting vs. marathon running, and creating your finish lines

By Michelle

The key to productivity, Schwartz says, is to “recognize the power of renewal, and have a finish line.” He claims that “we’ve lost our finish lines.” via the 99% In other words: we need to be sprinters, not marathon runners. We need a finish line to keep our work life healthy. A finish line gives […]


The care and keeping of ideas, part two

By Michelle

Have you been letting your idea simmer? Ready to really dig into it now? Good, ’cause that’s what we’re doing today! Once your time is up for the simmering state, it’s time to move on to something else. Even if you’re still not clear on all of the details of the idea, you need to […]