All posts in " project management "

Review: Flow

By Michelle

Overview: Well designed – more of a minimalist vibe than I’m usually down with, but it’s at least apparent that they gave design/color schemes some thought Looove the calendar functionality! Love that everything is so easy to use and that there’s multiple ways to do anything. I really like the added functionality of being able […]


Roundup: seven standout project/task management apps

By Michelle

In my quest for the perfect productivity tool, I have found a lot of other things – things that might not be the best for me, but have unique features (which stand out in a sea of lookalikes, believe you me), and would actually be fairly difficult to do a video review of, for one […]


Review: Wunderkit

By Michelle

Wunderkit is, sadly, still in beta. It’s from the same team that made the previously-reviewed Wunderlist, and the design is – unsurprisingly! – TOTALLY GORGEOUS. Kinda makes me want to lick my computer screen. Anyways, despite being in beta, it’s still very usable depending on what your needs are – watch the video or read […]


Review: Producteev

By Michelle

Producteev is something I actually found after I’d written this post, through total happenstance. Or, more accurately, I re-found it. Last time I had poked around Producteev was quite a while ago, and I seem to remember finding the interface bewildering and also being really confused as to why they had a beaver mascot. Things […]


Review: HiTask

By Michelle

Today I’m reviewing HiTask, another great project/task management tool. Watch the video or read the notes below to find out my thoughts! Great things: There’s a lot of awesome functions like recurring tasks, time tracking (with the ability to also estimate how long you think a particular task will take, I can see how this […]

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