Content Writing + Strategy

Blogging is often an afterthought – but it shouldn’t be. Check it: 79% of companies using a blog reported a positive return on investment in 2013 and 43% of companies have acquired a customer through their blog. (Source: 2013 State of Inbound Marketing Report, Hubspot)

79% of companies that blogged had a positive ROI in 2013

And long-form content (meaning, longer blog posts – usually in the realm of 800+ words) tends to:

The huge bonus is that by using content marketing (i.e. blogging with a strategy, not just for the sake of it), you’re setting yourself up to avoid the feast or famine cycle that so many entrepreneurs get stuck in.

Effective, well-written content can not only get your customers now, but it sets you up for future potential customers to find you and be impressed enough by your wild know-how to pay you money.

And that’s where I come in. I’ve been writing for the web since 2008 (well, technically since the age of 12, but that’s a whole ‘nother story). I practically grew up on the internet, and writing for the web is second nature to me now. As a B2B writer, my specialty is in taking potentially dry, boring subjects (business systems, anyone?) and making them entertaining and engaging. I like to keep it actionable, no-fluff, and informative. And although most of my background is in business-related writing, I’ve also written on everything from fashion and style, to mental health, to real estate – I’m a virtual chameleon that researches fast and can adopt a tone/voice that matches your brand.

I’ve got two options: a guest posting strategy package and an editorial-on-call monthly service. If you want to talk about either, feel free to schedule a quick meeting

Option #1: Guest posting to rock your biz

Guest posting to rock your biz

Guest posting has been the number one thing I’ve done to grow my business.  The problem, of course, is that you’re so busy running your damn business that you just don’t have the time to get started – how are you supposed to find the time to research places to post (places that will actually get you subscribers and customers, because you’re not just posting for the sake of posting, right?), and write the posts, and figure out how to pitch it, and, and, and…

Relax. Take a breath. Let me handle it for you – you’ve already got enough on your plate, and once we’re done working together, you’ll have all the kinks worked out and ready to go.

Guest posting can put you in front of a much wider audience, getting you new leads, customers, and clients, can improve your website’s SEO, and establishes you as an expert in your field – but only when done right.

Convinced? Ready to get started? Okay, then – this package includes:

  • A list of 15 places to guest post at – based on research of your audience, their audience, and the overlap, all compiled in one neat document…with submission information included. If you guest post once a month, that’s over a year’s worth of sites; if you do it twice a month, you’re still good through the end of 2014.
  • Three ideas for each place, based on your most popular posts, their most popular posts, and the submission guidelines. No more banging-your-head-against-the-wall brainstorming sessions.
  • Editing for up to 2,500 words (roughly 3-5 posts, depending on length) with an in-depth review video for one of your submissions. What’s that mean? I don’t just send you the post back – I record a video of the editing I’m doing and tell you why, so you know for future reference and can improve your future posting efforts.
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Super busy? Booked out for weeks, but still want to keep new people coming to you to avoid the dreaded feast-or-famine cycle?

Or you want to reap the benefits of guest posting but hate writing and find that a post takes you four, five, even seven or eight hours at a time?

Let me write the post for you – I’ll get talking points and references, and then before you know it, you’ve got a post ready to send, written in your voice with your views.

$300 for up to 2,000 words (2-4 posts, depending on length) with one round of edits:

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$750 for up to 5,000 words (5-10 posts, depending on length) with one round of edits:

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Option #2: The editorial-on-call package

This is for you if you can tell a difference when you keep posting regularly at your blog – you know that it brings you more customers, clients, and leads for the future…but every time you sit down to write a post you find yourself with writer’s block. You always have a hard time coming up with ideas, and writing doesn’t necessarily come second nature to you…so when you do manage to get a post idea and get it written, you feel incredibly self-conscious about typos and errors coming through in your posts, instead of your natural brilliance.

Small businesses with blogs generate 126% more leads than those without a blog.

The editorial-on-call package fixes those issues. It gets you:

  • 4 blog post topics, titles, and outlines a month (based on your current and future marketing calendar, services, and products)
  • Proofreading/editing for up to 5,000 words (5-10 posts, depending on length)

$400/month – click here to sign up. Within one business day of signup, I’ll be in touch to get all your current content marketing details so we can get the ball rolling.

Having a particularly busy month? Current editorial-on-call clients can add in blog post writing a la carte at the rate of $450 for 3,000 words (four posts averaging 750 words apiece). This is for those months when you know you’re going to be too busy to write, but you don’t want to let your content marketing tank – because hi, if that happens, you’ll probably have a dry spell next month, and won’t it be so much more fun if you just keep up the momentum?