Yummm, launchtastic.
Hey there, Word Chef peeps! I set up this page just for you so you can snag your worksheet and maybe find out about some more awesomeness that you’d like.
Get your free launch timeline/task list worksheet here.
If you’d like to learn even more good stuff about launching during/after the holidays without stress or tears, you should sign up for the free teleclass I’m running on Monday November 12th at 3:00 PM CST. It’ll be 45-60 minutes of content followed by Q&A, with more worksheets & call notes/resources sent out afterwards. In addition to things like timelines & task lists, we’ll be talking about:
- how to make sure everyone (you, your team, your contractors, your audience, your family) is on the same page with the launch
- how to set time boundaries (so you don’t wind up resizing buy buttons in between carving the turkey and opening presents)
- avoiding launch overwhelm in general (picking only 2-3 marketing methods and getting them done/planning them out way in advance)
Sign up below: