Systems 201

Systems 201

As a creative business owner, you know you need systems to help your business grow smoothly. You might not like the idea of systems – you might even chafe at them a little bit – but you love what they do for your business. You know, things like…

  • making sure you don’t forget important client communications (and lose money or clients as a result)
  • saving time & energy on day-to-day and month-to-month tasks so that you can put that elsewhere
  • less of that brain-fuzzy “my head is exploding” feeling that comes from trying to keep everything, well, in your head
  • not waking up at 3 AM in a panic, unsure if something got taken care of

If those symptoms sound familiar, you need to do two things:

  1. Sign up for the free Systems 101 course here.
  2. Sign up for Systems 201.

What’s Systems 201?

It’s a follow up to the free Systems 101 class (which ran live a few weeks ago, but you can still download the materials and work through them), going more in depth about some of the things we covered there. Systems 101 gives you a good grounding in the theory of what systems are and what they can do for your business, with some starter tips for practicality and knowing what to do with that information. Systems 201 is going to go much more in depth into the hands-on aspect of things, with the live examples – it’s like S101 was the launchpad, & S201 is the jetpack. We’re going to talk about:

  • Using systems as a solopreneur vs. using systems with a team or a VA, and how to gracefully transition from one to the other
  • How good systems can improve the quality of your services, keeping your clients happy + coming back for more
  • More about systems vs. policies, and how each one can be used to make your business easier & less stressful

I’m also going to work with three people live on the call, going over:

  • Client follow up systems
  • Setting up systems as a new business owner, without overwhelm
  • Reworking a broken system or a system that needs changed because your business has grown

Applications will go out about a week and a half before the class so that I can go over the information & choose people who the other class members can learn a lot from. This means if you sign up, you’ve got a chance at getting some one on one work at a much lower price than my usual rates!

Ever struggled to understand how you can make systems work, or where to start? The live 1:1 work will give you concrete examples that let you see what systems look like in business, & how they can look for you and your business.

You’ll leave this class with a concrete, hands-on knowledge of how to create your own systems for your business, whatever stage it’s at.

The nitty-gritty:

Length: The workshop will be about 20-30 minutes of content, three live examples, and then Q&A, making for a 60-90 minute class total.

Date & time: The class will be held either October 16th, 17th, or 18th at 5 PM CST (6 PM EST, 3 PM PST) – I’ll poll class participants about two weeks ahead of time and we’ll pick the day that works the best for the majority of class members.

Bonus materials: Aside from the live class, you’ll also get the workshop recording (so if you can’t make it live, no worries), a transcript of the recording, and the he Systems 201 workbook, to help you make the most out of the class material.

So, to sum up, your ticket gets you:

  • The live workshop
  • The workbook
  • The transcript
  • Chance to be “hot-seated” on the call, getting hands-on 1:1 work
  • Concrete examples from hearing others hot-seated
  • Opportunity to ask questions to clear up anything you’re not 100% on

Birthday special!

Between September 28th (my birthday!) & midnight on September 30th, you can buy your pass to Systems 201 for $25 instead of $35, and 30% of all proceeds are going to Women for Women International. Pretty sweet deal, amirite?

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