All posts in " entrepreneurship "

Entrepreneurship’s mental health problem

By Michelle

After almost five years of working for myself, I recently went on the hunt (successfully, thankfully!) for a full time job. Lots of people were incredibly supportive. It was great. On the other hand, I also had a multiple people express disappointment, implying that I had “given up” on my business, that I was throwing away […]


Four things I love about being an entrepreneur

By Michelle

We depart from your usual blog posts for something a little outside the norm for this month’s Word Carnival. The theme was “love” and while I pondered trying to figure out how to tie love back into systems and productivity, I gave up on that and went the easy route instead. There are a lot of […]


24 things I’ve learned about life & business

By Michelle

TODAY’S MY BIRTHDAY, Y’ALL. You know what this means, right? It means that all day I am going to totally abuse the phrase “It’s my birthday, I do what I want!” Including as justification for wearing a sexy villainess dress that will probably require double-sided tape to keep everything decent (it’s supposed to get here today, so I […]