All posts in " outsourcing "

Do you need some training wheels for your outsourcing skills?

By Michelle

You know how sometimes, you put off doing something that you know you need to do, or that you know is a really effing good idea? And you do that for ages, even though you know once you actually sit down and do it you’ll be kicking yourself for not doing it?  That’s pretty much […]


Interview with Erica Cosminsky

By Michelle

Obviously, I’m pretty big on delegation and the good it can do for your business. However, I am definitely not a legal expert when it comes to hiring or employees – that’s Erica’s field of expertise. She’s an HR expert with oodles of experience + smarts and I convinced her to let me interview her […]


What dating & delegating have in common

By Michelle

Let’s imagine you have a friend. (Hopefully, this isn’t too hard to imagine because you already have one or more of these for reals.) A single friend lookin’ for love. She’s mostly had good experiences, but goes on this one wildly horrific date. We’re talking sitcom levels of bad. And after that, she swears off dating entirely. She’s going to […]