All posts in " recap "

Kickstarter behind the scenes, part three: PR, press, & reviews

By Michelle

So far in the Kickstarter series, we’ve covered:  An overview of the campaign & the results A deep-dive into the content, social media, and other marketing that went into the campaign In today’s post: PR, press, & reviews – how I got them for the planner Kickstarter, and what effect they had. Pitching journalists & […]


Behind the scenes: the (very late) October recap

By Michelle

Yikes…the latest recap yet. NaNoWriMo has been kicking my ass, y’all! But since I know you guys enjoy them, I figured better late than never. So here’s the October breakdown: How I spent my time: I tracked a lot less time than September or August in October–a 45 hour decrease. That’s about a 1/3 decrease. […]


Behind the scenes: September recap

By Michelle

We’re almost halfway through October, but here’s my September recap! How I spent my time: In September, I tracked just shy of 125 hours again–pretty much the same amount of time as August (August was 124.95, September was 124.23); so this might be my new normal/average. Again, it breaks down to about 30 hours a […]


The return to freelancing, month three: August recap

By Michelle

It’s a little bit late, but here it is: the August recap! How I spent my time: In August, I tracked just shy of 125 hours, a 22 hour increase from July, which breaks down to about 30 hours a week. The fact that I logged more hours than July is fairly impressive considering that […]


February 2014: Recap

By Michelle

Late (which is sadly becoming something of a pattern – sleep/energy issues ahoy) but here’s the recap for February 2014: Biz What worked: Honestly, I didn’t do much biz-wise in February. I wanted to do more, and I did at least post more on the blog, but I just didn’t have as much time or […]


Looking ahead at 2014 & back at January

By Michelle

Shock: January kinda got away from me. Probably due to any number of factors (I’m guessing mostly a huge switch-up in routine!), I didn’t get this post done in anywhere near the timeframe I’d originally imagined. So now I’m combining the looking ahead at 2014 post + the January recap post; I want to do […]