All posts in " gtd "

Review: Conqu

By Michelle

I’d definitely recommend Conqu for people who are managing a small (less than five member) team, especially if everyone on the team uses + is versed in GTD as a productivity system – I can only imagine that’d make it a million times more effective. Pricing: The tool itself is free with unlimited tasks/projects, but […]


Review: ThunderTask

By Michelle

First things first: I’m running a free class on zero-panic launching, just for those of you who are launching something after the holidays & don’t want to spend your holidays panicking about it. Check it out & sign up here. On to the review! Out of the GTD-based task management tools that I’ve seen, ThunderTask […]


Review: Nozbe

By Michelle

My wrists have been bothering me some this week, so instead of a written post today you get two video reviews this week (for the price of one!). Today it’s Nozbe – read on to see my notes or watch the video below. Nice features: Lots of opportunity to get really fine-grained here. I haven’t […]