
We notice when you don’t do as you say.

By Michelle

Nobody’s perfect. This isn’t news to any of us (ever since the first time mom forgot to pack your lunch, or that awesome guy forgot your birthday even though you told him the day before). I have preached about self-care and time-management quite a lot, and you know what? I still have days where I […]



By Michelle

I think the concept of is absolutely fascinating and this is the first time I’ve seen a tool like this not only created, but developed so that it (appears to throughout my testing, at least) works great. The idea is that you put in your tasks & a time estimate of how long they’ll […]


How to banish overwhelm from your business

By Michelle

We’ve talked about why you’re not too busy, and how to overcome SOGOTP syndrome; this week we’re going to dive a bit more into overwhelm and how to banish it from your business once and for all. Yes, overwhelm. That creeping, nagging, did-all-the-oxygen-just-leave-this-room? feeling that lurks at the back of your mind. Or at the […]