All posts in " behind the scenes "

Kickstarter behind the scenes, part three: PR, press, & reviews

By Michelle

So far in the Kickstarter series, we’ve covered:  An overview of the campaign & the results A deep-dive into the content, social media, and other marketing that went into the campaign In today’s post: PR, press, & reviews – how I got them for the planner Kickstarter, and what effect they had. Pitching journalists & […]


Behind the scenes: the (very late) October recap

By Michelle

Yikes…the latest recap yet. NaNoWriMo has been kicking my ass, y’all! But since I know you guys enjoy them, I figured better late than never. So here’s the October breakdown: How I spent my time: I tracked a lot less time than September or August in October–a 45 hour decrease. That’s about a 1/3 decrease. […]


Behind the Scenes: The Don’t Lose Your Shit Sale

By Michelle

(Quick note! New thing new thing! If you loved this breakdown, you should definitely check out the Brass Tacks Biz Series – it’s going to be more case studies just like this, with worksheets & actionable info, live every month, and the price is supa-reasonable.) In case you missed it (or are finding this post […]


Behind the Scenes: How I curate my newsletter links

By Michelle

One of the questions I get a lot is: Michelle, how do you find all the awesome stuff you share in your newsletter? (Not on the newsletter? Missing out on those awesome links? Sign up to the right or at the bottom of this post!) It’s actually a pretty simple process – I made a […]


Behind the scenes: why I’m switching my service model

By Michelle

For the last few months, I’ve been working on one of the biggest changes in my business so far – switching my main service set (online business management/project management) from an hourly, freelancer-based model, to a monthly retainer, almost more of an agency style model. This is something that I really agonized over, and to […]