All posts in " pricing "

On working for free and building a business that works

By Michelle

Today I’m beating the business community’s favorite dead horse: working for free. TL;DR: Never try to get free work from people. And don’t work for free. Except for on rare occasions, when you actively choose to. Confused? It’ll all become clear:  Uncomfortable truth #1: If your business needs free labor to grow, your business model is broken. […]


Behind the scenes: why I’m switching my service model

By Michelle

For the last few months, I’ve been working on one of the biggest changes in my business so far – switching my main service set (online business management/project management) from an hourly, freelancer-based model, to a monthly retainer, almost more of an agency style model. This is something that I really agonized over, and to […]


Interview & Giveaway with Alex Franzen

By Michelle

Continuing the September interviews + giveaways is today’s interview with the lovely Alexandra Franzen. We talk about pricing, entrepreneurial evolution, & clarity – watch the 20 minute long video below: And! Today’s giveaway is for Alex’s Five Scripts to Fill Your Client Docket. To enter the giveaway, you have one of two options:  Leave a […]