All posts in " reviews "

Review: Paymo

By Michelle

? Paymo is a project management tool which aims to help  small business owners and freelancers manage everything related to their projects — from onboarding a new client, to planning and scheduling tasks and resources, and of course, getting paid. It has the standard project management features (projects and task lists, team collaboration, time tracking), […]


App showdown: Proposal apps (Bidsketch vs. Quoteroller)

By Michelle

Two apps enter, one app leaves! A few weeks ago, I had a need I don’t usually have, which was to create a proposal. I figured this was the ideal time to try out a few different proposal-creating apps and compare them in a review…the results are below! (It’s worth noting going in that I […]


Review: Conqu

By Michelle

I’d definitely recommend Conqu for people who are managing a small (less than five member) team, especially if everyone on the team uses + is versed in GTD as a productivity system – I can only imagine that’d make it a million times more effective. Pricing: The tool itself is free with unlimited tasks/projects, but […]


Review: ThunderTask

By Michelle

First things first: I’m running a free class on zero-panic launching, just for those of you who are launching something after the holidays & don’t want to spend your holidays panicking about it. Check it out & sign up here. On to the review! Out of the GTD-based task management tools that I’ve seen, ThunderTask […]


Review: Any.Do

By Michelle

Any.Do is for you if: you’re a solopreneur who uses Chrome who wants a simple, minimalist task management app that’s always there when you are I have a hard time seeing it working for anyone else – maybe a contractor or freelancer who only has a few clients. Don’t get me wrong; I think it […]


Review: Paprika

By Michelle

Paprika is unusual among the project/task management tools I’ve reviewed in that it’s text based – there’s a variety of shortcodes that you key in while typing which can turn a word or line into a bullet point, task that can be checked off, tag, deadline, etc. It’s got a very clean, minimalist-esque vibe, without […]


Review: WeekPlan

By Michelle

Review Summary & Notes WeekPlan is based on the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, so it uses a lot of terms specific to that system. However, it’s got a really great, intuitive interface, with drag & drop functionality for tasks across days/Someday/Backburner. Adding tasks is quick and easy, and there’s some extra functionality that […]



By Michelle

This week’s review is a little different than usual – namely, that I decided not to do a video review, because Rule has become my project management tool of choice, and for me to give you a video tour I’d have to go back through and edit out a lot of confidential client details in […]