All posts in " projects "

How to manage your time + energy when it’s split

By Michelle

This is a question I get a lot – and for good reason. Most people get their businesses started going as a side gig, so they have to manage their time & energy for their “day job” and their business at the same time, without letting either suffer; and if you’re running a service based […]


How to stay on top of *all* of your projects, at a glance

By Michelle

One of the worst things about having multiple projects going on at any given time is knowing where you’re at on all of them. I do use Springpad to organize my projects, but it’s mostly a note-taking/resource-saving tool for me, not necessarily organizing tasks. Enter Trello – a free online project management tool that’s super […]


Sprinting vs. marathon running, and creating your finish lines

By Michelle

The key to productivity, Schwartz says, is to “recognize the power of renewal, and have a finish line.” He claims that “we’ve lost our finish lines.” via the 99% In other words: we need to be sprinters, not marathon runners. We need a finish line to keep our work life healthy. A finish line gives […]