All posts in " organization "

How to go from stressed to blissfully biz organized in 4 steps flat

By Michelle

 The last few months have been a bit rough over here at Chez Bombchelle. (Hence the radio silence here at the blog.) Nothing major – well, sometimes major, but nothing life threatening – and part of the bumpiness is that I was continuing to operate in systems that weren’t really a good fit, which led […]


Review: Teamweek

By Michelle

Quick note before we jump into the review: in celebration of Rock the System hitting #1 in Systems & Planning and #2 in Entrepreneurship in the Kindle store, you can get 15% off anything in the store with the code “bestseller” at checkout until midnight on Saturday. Have fun! How Teamweek works: It’s basically a […]



By Michelle

I think the concept of is absolutely fascinating and this is the first time I’ve seen a tool like this not only created, but developed so that it (appears to throughout my testing, at least) works great. The idea is that you put in your tasks & a time estimate of how long they’ll […]


How to banish overwhelm from your business

By Michelle

We’ve talked about why you’re not too busy, and how to overcome SOGOTP syndrome; this week we’re going to dive a bit more into overwhelm and how to banish it from your business once and for all. Yes, overwhelm. That creeping, nagging, did-all-the-oxygen-just-leave-this-room? feeling that lurks at the back of your mind. Or at the […]


Review: Flow

By Michelle

Overview: Well designed – more of a minimalist vibe than I’m usually down with, but it’s at least apparent that they gave design/color schemes some thought Looove the calendar functionality! Love that everything is so easy to use and that there’s multiple ways to do anything. I really like the added functionality of being able […]


Roundup: seven standout project/task management apps

By Michelle

In my quest for the perfect productivity tool, I have found a lot of other things – things that might not be the best for me, but have unique features (which stand out in a sea of lookalikes, believe you me), and would actually be fairly difficult to do a video review of, for one […]


Review: Producteev

By Michelle

Producteev is something I actually found after I’d written this post, through total happenstance. Or, more accurately, I re-found it. Last time I had poked around Producteev was quite a while ago, and I seem to remember finding the interface bewildering and also being really confused as to why they had a beaver mascot. Things […]


Review: Wunderlist

By Michelle

While it isn’t my perfect productivity tool, Wunderlist is a pretty amazing task management app that I wanted to share with y’all. Watch the video review & see my notes below: Bonus: Because I’m feeling frisky & easily entertained, the first 3 people to email me telling me what each of those tasks was referencing […]


What rose trellises have to do with your creativity (& your business)

By Michelle

One of my pet peeves is something I see all too regularly: people using stereotypes as a shield. Specifically, stereotypes about themselves. Specifically, this whole “I’m an ARTEEST, I don’t need no stinkin’ structure” thing. Here’s the deal: there is some small amount of people who actually do thrive in complete and utter chaos. A […]

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